Photo of Mickey with "Bring Your Best Self" on a gradient background.

You Are What You Give

Are you a “highly sensitive person”? Am I? “Highly sensitive people” (HSP) feel emotions more strongly and are more easily affected by the world around them. I read an article that described how a highly sensitive person experiences the world, and I related to much of it. Understanding Sensitivity Sometimes my emotions overwhelm me, leading…

Merrimack River from pedestrian bridge in Manchester, NH.

Insight Insights

Change yourself, change your life. Better yet: Unleash yourself, love your life. People who know me in person are sometimes surprised to learn that I have long struggled with depression and with feelings of negative self worth. Tall, good-looking, worldly, gregarious, funny, insightful, compassionate, eloquent, MC, firedance-in-a-loincloth…and yet also somehow sure that I am wholly…

Mickey in suit, bowtie, and hat on right, Winston Churchill dressed similarly on left, text underlay: "Never Give In."

Never Give In

“Regret for what you never tried weighs heaviest of all.” Never give up on yourself. You. Will. Fail. You will fall—get back up! Do it differently. Get better. Never stop striving. Never stop. Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never. Boy, I was feeling low. Nothing I was writing or doing seemed to…