Read your coffee mug

Read your coffee mug

My favorite coffee mug has an octopus on the outside, and inside the rim, where a right-handed person will see it every time he takes a sip, is the phrase, “Seize the day.” When people reach milestone ages—usually decade changes (30, 40, 50, 110)—it’s often a time of deep reflection, and for many people a…

Insight Insights

Insight Insights

Change yourself, change your life. Better yet: Unleash yourself, love your life. People who know me in person are sometimes surprised to learn that I have long struggled with depression and with feelings of negative self worth. Tall, good-looking, worldly, gregarious, funny, insightful, compassionate, eloquent, MC, firedance-in-a-loincloth…and yet also somehow sure that I am wholly…

Be Irreplaceable

Be Irreplaceable

December 31st of last year, I got my walking papers. I am, for the first time in more than two decades—and over ten and a half years in internet advertising—unemployed. And for the first time ever: laid off. It reminded me of an experience I had about twenty years ago, where the owner of the…

Never Give In

Never Give In

“Regret for what you never tried weighs heaviest of all.” Never give up on yourself. You. Will. Fail. You will fall—get back up! Do it differently. Get better. Never stop striving. Never stop. Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never. Boy, I was feeling low. Nothing I was writing or doing seemed to…

Love Your Mistakes

Love Your Mistakes

“Learn from your mistakes.” It’s an important adage and a timeless lesson. It is in fact a lesson within a lesson: Mistakes are the most important part of learning. Only by attempting and failing do we make the knowledge part of us, create the neural pathways that allow us to improve and expand. I’m going…

What If?

What If?

What if you weren’t competing with younger, better-looking people for younger audiences, because you’re not targeting that audience in the first place? What if you who are reading this aren’t an anomaly? What if there are other people in your same stage of life looking through scads of stories of young entrepreneurs and feeling like…