Photo of Mickey with "Bring Your Best Self" on a gradient background.

You Are What You Give

Are you a “highly sensitive person”? Am I? “Highly sensitive people” (HSP) feel emotions more strongly and are more easily affected by the world around them. I read an article that described how a highly sensitive person experiences the world, and I related to much of it. Understanding Sensitivity Sometimes my emotions overwhelm me, leading…

Merrimack River from pedestrian bridge in Manchester, NH.

Insight Insights

Change yourself, change your life. Better yet: Unleash yourself, love your life. People who know me in person are sometimes surprised to learn that I have long struggled with depression and with feelings of negative self worth. Tall, good-looking, worldly, gregarious, funny, insightful, compassionate, eloquent, MC, firedance-in-a-loincloth…and yet also somehow sure that I am wholly…