Beach with trees with ocean waves breaking over rocks

Voice and Ears

For the past several months, I have been circling the same topic repeatedly: What is my niche? What do I want to be know for? More importantly, what can I offer people that they would find engaging, entertaining, or useful? I’ve reflected on the decades I’ve so far lived and experienced, and when I’m feeling…

Mickey in suit, bowtie, and hat on right, Winston Churchill dressed similarly on left, text underlay: "Never Give In."

Never Give In

“Regret for what you never tried weighs heaviest of all.” Never give up on yourself. You. Will. Fail. You will fall—get back up! Do it differently. Get better. Never stop striving. Never stop. Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never. Boy, I was feeling low. Nothing I was writing or doing seemed to…

Mickey in black T-shirt looking into camera. Text overlay: "What if today is the day you change everything?"

What If?

What if you weren’t competing with younger, better-looking people for younger audiences, because you’re not targeting that audience in the first place? What if you who are reading this aren’t an anomaly? What if there are other people in your same stage of life looking through scads of stories of young entrepreneurs and feeling like…

Water rushing over and between rocks.


This morning started poorly. The events that made it a poor start aren’t important, but how I reacted to them is: I got upset. Having multiple challenges come simultaneously or in quick succession can be cause for frustration and anger, or they can elevate you to greater heights of energy and focus. My normal inclination—habit—is…